Thursday, February 26, 2009

The store rolls along...

without me. I've had a horrible flu that started last Friday and today is the first day I have felt able to sit at the computer for a few minutes. I should be back next week.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Spirituality Books in Store

A box load of spirituality books were bought for the store this morning. Most of them went onto the Spirituality shelves but some fit better in self-help and a few are in the window. Later, another box load of various books were purchased for the store. Those are sitting on the floor waiting to be priced and shelved which probably won't happen until Friday. Once this is written, it is back to processing some paperback fiction that just came in, some of it for the Newer rack in front. It is always happy to get books new to the store.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Another Good Paranormal Novel

Zen and the Art of Vampires by Katie MacAlister. This is a newer release and an author new to me. This book has a wacked sense of humor, good action, and the plot moves right along. I'll be looking for more of her books.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some More New Titles

The store just received some new titles. They are paperback historical romances. There are two contemporary romances, a Sheryl Woods and a Luanne Rice. All of these are at the front of the store.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Shannon Drake, author of Historical Romance

Shannon Drake has written a lot of books. I've read two of them. The first one I read was OK, but nothing special. The second one is pretty good. Set in the early 1700's, the heroine is not only a pirate, but the captain of a pirate ship. This is definitely something different. The book has lots of action and adventure and moves right along. Based on this book, I will probably read some others of hers. Shannon Drake is the pen name for Heather Graham Pozzessere, whose books I have not read.
This is one of the books in a group of newly released historical romances that came into the store the week before last. They are on the "Newer Used Books" rack up front. Shannon Drake's older books are shelved with the Novels.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Recommendation--Victoria Alexander

Alexander writes good historical romances. Yeah, there is more detailed sex then I prefer but I am real good at skimming those parts. What, for me, is the strength of her books is the sense of humor, well-drawn characters, good plots that move briskly along, and easy readability. I have not read all her books, but have read a bunch and have just finished The Perfect Wife, which may be her best one. It has more adventure then her other books and takes the characters to Egypt for much of that adventure. So if you enjoy a good historical romance, give this author a try.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

New Articles Up

My three recently written articles have been published on Ass. Con. and are available by the link in the right sidebar that says "My Articles". Just click on that. There is a book review along with a classic movie review and a horse related article.

Recommendation--Midnight's Daughter by Karen Chance

A customer brought in some new books for credit late last week. There was a Paranormal Adventure book by an author I had not seen before and since the book looked interesting I took it home to read. This is one of the best Paranormal books I have read. It has a wry, sideways humor throughout the book, lots of action, good characters, interesting situations, and is overall a very good read. It does not have page after page of descriptive sex, which is a good thing. Some of the characters are sexy, but the reader does not have to drag through pages of plot stopping detail. I truly enjoyed this book.
The author has two other books, both with a different main character. I hope that those two and any others she writes in the future will show up at the store. I'll have this book in the store Tuesday.