Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Here are four books currently in the store that are local histories for areas other then the locale of the bookstore itself. Please email or ask in the comments for book condition, price or other information.

This Was Wheat Farming, a Pictorial History of the Farms and Farmers of the Northwest Who Grow the Nation’s Bread, by Kirby Brumfield. 1968. Chapters include: Wheat’s History is Mankind’s History (Bread; Mechanical reapers ushers in new era); Wheat in the Northwest (Flour Mills; Acquiring land; Life was tough; Rained out; Wheat is king); The Lore of the Harvest (Binding & threshing; Heading & threshing; Threshing; Crewmen, Women in the harvest; Sweep power; Steam power); Heroes of the Harvest; Combined Harvester (32 Horsepower); Modern Harvest; Wheat growers association; Smut; Wheat past present & future.
There are many photos from the early days up to the present day of the book with plenty of horse drawn equipment a short section on the horses of the time. Also are photos of early steam engines and early tractors. The amazing photos of harvesting on the rolling & steep hills of eastern Oregon & Washington were a wonder to me as I did not know that area was so hilly (wheat farming needs flat land, right?—wrong!). Wonderful book.

Great Lakes Ships We Remember, a photo history of selected great lakes ships. Revised edition, 1992. Alphabetical listing of ships w/photo & description of each. Late 1800’s to present of book. Wonderful source material.

Our First Century, the Los Angeles Athletic Club, 1880-1980. Lots of photos. Well researched book also tells story of early Los Angeles showing all sorts of sports, from bicycling to running.

Southern California 100 years ago, 2 volumes. 1976. Drawings & articles from the time period. A fun compilation.

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